Friday, July 25, 2014

BBG, Part Five: A Pair of Mistakes

Part Five:  A Pair of Mistakes
The receipt in and of itself is fine - it’s just that it shows no location data.  The rules for the BBG, and every Iron Butt event, stipulate that the receipt must indicate the location as well as the date/time. Rats!  This is something I only came to realize after my ride was over, as I was reviewing paperwork this past Sunday.  I do have location information from my credit card statement:
I am hoping that this is sufficient proof and that the IBA Powers That Be prove understanding when I submit my paperwork, and that my chances for this attempt are not scuppered on account of this lapse in execution - only time will tell.
Blissfully unaware of my mistake, I punched Kansas City into Waze and forged on to the west.  Missouri was really lovely to ride through as the sun came up and returned heat to my body.  Humming along, getting closer to Kansas City, traffic starts to build as I start to realize that I am going to get caught in rush hour traffic.
Double Rats!
Given the limited amount of planning associated with this ride, I hadn’t given any thought to when I would be transiting population centers.  Traffic was building and I couldn't even see the city yet.  Originally, I thought I would ride through KC to put wheels in Kansas before jogging north, back into Missouri, and on up to Iowa.’
I pulled to the side of the road and thought quickly.  I didn’t have the technical ability to forecast an end time, and had yet to get to the halfway point in my ride.  I did some quick mental math, and concluded I had built up a bit of a time cushion, but the road ahead was still long.  Physically, I was feeling great.  Mentally?  Great.  But what would the morning bring?  I simply did not know - this was the great unknown, and part of my initial uncertainty at the start.
Concluding that it was not worth jeapordizing my ride in order to put wheels in another state, I decided to take 435 around KC in order to pick up I-29 heading north.  So I punched Fargo into Waze, dropped into first gear, and headed north.

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